This is a 3D model based on a location survey of an abandoned motel.  The model allows for spce planning of the lobby, motel room and vehicle placement.

Because this was a location dependent show with a lot of exteriors it was important to recreate some interiors for rain cover.

Much of the design involved subtle attention to mundane details.

The ordinary sets and locations grounded us in reality while setting the scene for extraordinary events to unfold in the narrative.

A set connecting the location to a hallway and bedroom was designed for stage. This accommodated the scripted quake effect that would shake the house and open the walls up to daylight. 

One wall was designed to hinge and another to guillotine in a way that could be reset for multiple takes.

A cave with a reflecting pool was built on stage and surrounded with a blackout backing to control light.

The path to the pool wound down a cavernous corridor from atop a platform from which the actors made their descent.

An interrogation set that was originally slated to be at the airbase location ended up needing to be built on stage due to time constraints. 

This set was designed as a sterile ode to Kubrick's white Rococo hotel room in 2001: A Space Odyssey.

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